Can I cancel my account and get a refund

  • One monthly subscription - at renewal date and for any reason; provided, however, to be effective you must carry out such termination in accordance with the policies and procedures established by UK Postbox Limited. If you terminate the agreement during the middle of the month, your service will continue through the end of the renewal period. If you have any questions concerning the appropriate method by which to cancel this Agreement, you should contact UK Postbox Limited as specified in the "Contact Us" section of the UK Postbox Limited web site. Prior to cancelling your account, we recommend that you change your UK Postbox address to your new address with every sender so that you are no longer receiving mail at your UK Postbox.
  • Multi-month plans - 30 days notice of cancellation and for any reason; provided, however, to be effective you must carry out such termination in accordance with the policies and procedures established by UK Postbox Limited. If you terminate the agreement during the middle of the month, your service will continue through the end of the following month + 30 days.
  • Refunds. If you cancel your contract in accordance with the policies and procedures established by UK Postbox Limited and if there is a credit on the account, UK Postbox will credit the balance, but not any element of the paid plan left to run, this will be refunded less any other outstanding payments, fees or monies due to UK Postbox.

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